Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October, I hardly knew ye...

Okay, October's not quite over, yet, but it has flown by! And, even though I was wearing shorts just a few days ago, it seems fall may finally have arrived. Right now, it's 75 degrees, but this morning it was 50 and I saw two people wearing gloves. True story. Anyway, what have I been up that's made the time go by so quickly? Well...

Kickball season started a couple of weeks ago. Yes, kickball. Pat and I are both playing on my school's team, Dublin Hardcore (it's a library joke that I haven't been here long enough to fully understand). Our player numbers are all Dewey Decimal numbers. Pat's is 621 for Applied Physics and mine is 641 for Food & Beverage. And you thought it didn't get any geekier than Theta Ballers... ;) So far, we tied in a scrimmage and lost both of our regular season games. But, we improved from scoring no runs in the first game to scoring three in the second, so I think things are looking up.

Last game, I was really awesome and ran full speed directly into the ground. It didn't hurt that much when I first stood up, but eventually several injuries surfaced: I got dirt so far under my fingernail on my right thumb that it really stung for a day and then got infected (gross, I know); I have a bottle-cap sized scab on my left shoulder and I did something that wasn't visible or disgusting but really painful to my left thigh. And that's on top of face-planting in the dirt in front of 30 people. Did I mention I'm awesome?

A couple of weeks ago, we went to this place called Threadgill's to see The Gourds. The Gourds, for those of you who don't know, are a bluegrass-y rock band that did a cover of Snoop Dogg's Gin & Juice. The cover was featured on a recent episode of My Name is Earl, if you happen to watch that show. The show was, first of all, outdoors in October and I was wearing short-sleeves. It was also totally awesome. They are excellent performers.

Despite the fact that I feel like I just started school, I also had my advising appointment for next semester this month. Next semester ought to be good; I'm taking some classes that are actually library-related (this semester I'm only taking one library class and 3 core classes): Collection Management, Research, and most likely an independent study on library services for incarcerated persons.

Elsewhere in library-world, I started volunteering at the Austin Public Library and I toured the Hogg Regional Foundation Library last week. At APL, I'm shelving books. It is what it is. The RFL tour was really interesting though. It's a library of foundation information. What they do, essentially, is help grant writers. They have a large collection of resources on who offers grants and for what purposes and how to write grants. They also do grant proposal editing and a few other things. It's really a hidden gem, I think, for non-profits or grad students looking for money. I was really impressed with their operation and I kind of wish I needed to write a grant so I could spend more time there. Or that I could just work there.

Hmm...something else has been going on this month...what is it...

Oh, wait, I know. Football and Baseball. Life is good. GO SOX!


ellesooz said...

1. 50 is cold enough to wear gloves, give it a year
2. your "face plant" was an amazing show of dedication and true Hardcore spirit
3.those injuries sound gross and painful, but again, prove your Hardcoreyness
4. this time of year is awesome in Austin - patio dining! although really we do that all winter, they bring out heaters
5. i will see you in collection management in the spring
6. i think you're great. still hate the sox. are you embarrassed by the way sox fans celebrated? you should be. dublin hardcore would never act like that, don't get any ideas. :)

Becca said...

Yeah, I don't know much about this year's celebrations, but I know I've been embarassed by World Series and Super Bowl celebrations of years past. I celebrated by dragging my tired ass from the couch to the bed. :)

I'm glad there'll be a friendly face in collection management; those 6-9 classes are harsh.